About the nonprofit LDF

Below you can read about the team that established the Lucid Dreaming Foundation and their interest in dreams and lucid dreaming. Please note that the LDF intends to evolve, according to the interest, direction and support that it receives from the lucid dreaming community.

Robert Waggoner

Robert Waggoner wrote the acclaimed book, Lucid Dreaming – Gateway to the Inner Self (now in its fifteenth printing), and co-authored Lucid Dreaming Plain and Simple with Caroline McCready.  Both books are in Audible and Kindle.  

His books have been translated into French, German, Chinese, Korean, Czech, Finnish and other languages. A past President of the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD), Waggoner currently serves on the IASD Executive Committee.

For the past 20 years, Waggoner has served as co-editor of the online magazine, Lucid Dreaming Experience (ISSN 2167-616X); the only ongoing publication devoted specifically to lucid dreaming.

A lucid dreamer since 1975, he has logged more than 1,000 lucid dreams.Waggoner frequently speaks on the science and practice of lucid dreaming at international dream conferences, workshops and college classrooms. He has given workshops on four continents.  Waggoner graduated summa cum laude from Drake University with a degree in psychology.

Ed Kellogg, Ph.D.

Ed Kellogg earned his Ph.D. in biochemistry from Duke University, did his postdoctoral work at U.C. Berkeley, and has authored over 100 papers in fields as diverse as the biochemistry of aging, bioelectricity, general semantics, lucid dreaming, parapsychology, voluntary controls, and the phenomenology of consciousness.

He has published his scientific work in peer reviewed journals such as the J. Neurochemistry, the J. Biological Chemistry, the J. Gerontology, Nature, Photochemistry and Photobiology, Toxicology Letters, the J. Bioelectricity, and the International Journal of Biometeorology.

An adept lucid dreamer, for most of his life Ed has studied lucid dreaming and its applications from the “inside-out,” and has recorded and indexed well over 50,000 dreams, including over a thousand lucid dreams – but more importantly, hundreds of FULLY LUCID dreams. In respect to his own work, he writes: “I take a phenomenological approach to dreaming, in which I try to explore and to describe dreaming experience with a minimum of presuppositions as to its nature.

Ed has done pioneering work in the areas of lucid dream healing, mutual dreaming, psychopompic dreaming, psi-dreaming, and the lucidity continuum, some of which Robert Waggoner featured in his trailblazing book, Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self..  In 2020 and 2021, he co-hosted along with Robert Waggoner IASD’s first two online Many Worlds of Lucid Dreaming Conferences, at each of which he also gave a presentation, the first, titled Beyond the Matrix: A Lucid Dreaming Workshop and the second on Lucid Being, Empowerment, and the Laws of Magic: A Workshop.

For further information, and to access most of his work, check out:  https://duke.academia.edu/EdKellogg  

Don Middendorf, Ph.D.

Don first learned that it was possible to bring waking consciousness into the dream state by reading a book by Jane Roberts 50 years ago. Since then, he has continued using this amazing state to explore both personal and physical reality.

He obtained an undergraduate degree in biology and a masters degree in applied physics and a doctorate in plant biology at Cornell University. His research was in the biophysics of photosynthesis via ultrafast laser and x-ray spectroscopy.

He selected physics as a career path based on his interest in consciousness and his experiences in dreams. His experience in meditative states and dreams convinced him that a full understanding of the nature of reality required using consciousness as the subject of study as well as a tool to study it. He has enjoyed showing students and audiences at conferences (including IASD) the interplay of inner and outer reality.

During the first half of a 32-year teaching career at Evergreen State College, he taught physics, mathematics, and biology. After helping to found the consciousness studies department, he had the opportunity to teach year-long programs in dreams and consciousness studies for more than a decade. This allowed him to continue his own exploration of dreaming and especially lucid dreaming, as well as introduce a generation of students to this exciting opportunity for personal exploration and growth.

His main goal in both his teaching and personal exploration of lucid dreams is to use them for learning the process of conscious co-creation. He thinks he is making slow but steady progress in becoming a dream-art scientist and hopes that the Lucid Dream Foundation can stimulate and help others in this exciting endeavor!

Cynthia Pearson

Cynthia Pearson earned a B.A. in writing magna cum laude from the University of Pittsburgh in 1970. She discovered dreamwork while raising a family and attended her first conference of the Association for the Study of Dreams (now IASD) in 1987. She then co-wrote "The Practical Psychic," published by Samuel Weiser in 1991.This book is still in print and has been translated into five languages. Her next book, “Parting Company: Understanding the Loss of a Loved One—The Caregiver’s Journey” was published by Seal Press in 1999.

This work led to her co-founding a nonprofit organization, the Take Charge Partnership, which won awards for its activism on the part of family caregivers. She has also served on a number of other boards of directors, including IASD’s. Her third book, "Dreaming the Dead," a mystery concerning the study of dreams, was published via print-on-demand in 2009. She has taught many classes on dreaming and discussed dreamwork on radio shows. Some of her published articles include: “Scholars on the Psi Frontier” (DreamTime Magazine, Spring  2016); “Analysis and Arabesque: Observing 600 Dreams Using a Computer Database,” (DreamTime Magazine, Summer, 2004); and "Death and Dying: The Onlooker's Perspective," with Margaret L. Stubbs, Ph.D., Maine Scholar, A Journal of Ideas and Public Affairs (Fall 1996). In 1997 Cynthia began chairing panels on Long Term Journal Keeping at IASD’s annual conferences, which continue to this day. These panel presentations prove that the dream journal is a uniquely sensitive instrument that may enlighten not only the individual dreamer, but the whole field of dream study. Some of these papers can be found at her website, Dreamjournalist.com. One of them, "Earwigs and Arabesques: Dreaming in the Multiverse,” recounts astonishing correspondences when dream group members experienced mutual lucid dreaming

Amina Mara

Amina is a lucid dream researcher & podcast host with a background in psychology from Emory University. She has been lucid dreaming since childhood, which led to a lifelong journey of exploring the dream realm, and understanding the power of dreamwork.

She is now a certified lucid dream coach, guiding others through her courses & workshops. Amina is also a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD). As a published author, lucid dreaming coach, content creator, and community moderator, Amina strives to inspire others to embark on their inner journeys. Her research interests are lucid dreaming for creative inspiration, shared dreaming, and out-of-body experiences, bridging the science and spirituality of dreams. In 2020, Amina founded the Dream World Podcast, (https://thedreamworldpodcast.com) an interactive platform encouraging dialogue and knowledge sharing among a community interested in dream exploration.

The Dream World Podcast is ranked top 10 lucid dream podcasts. They hold open spaces both online & in person for dreamers to share their experiences or ask questions to other oneironauts, including events such as a yearly dream incubation retreat.  The topics focus on everything from learning to lucid dream, advanced dreamwork practices, meditation, mindfulness, metaphysics, science & spirituality.

Contact us

The Lucid Dreaming Foundation looks forward to hearing from you.  
If you would like to volunteer your time and skills, share an idea or assist in some way, please contact us through the form.  

Or if you have a question about making a donation, then let us know.  
Please submit the following form, or send us an email at LucidDreamingNonprofit@gmail.com .

Thanks for your interest, and please help share the news about the Lucid Dreaming Foundation with your friends!

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The Lucid Dreaming Foundation has received Federal approval as a 501(c ) (3) non-profit public charity (beginning April 23, 2021) with the EIN 87-1982338, assigned by the Department of the Treasury. According to their ruling, “Donors can deduct contributions they make to you under Internal Revenue Code Section 170. You’re also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under Section 2055, 2106, or 2522."
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2022 (c) Lucid Dreaming Foundation.






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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content. The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content. The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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Contact us

The Lucid Dreaming Foundation looks forward to hearing from you.  
If you would like to volunteer your time and skills, share an idea or assist in some way, please contact us through the form.  

Or if you have a question about making a donation, then let us know.  
Please submit the following form, or send us an email at LucidDreamingNonprofit@gmail.com .

Thanks for your interest, and please help share the news about the Lucid Dreaming Foundation with your friends!

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The Lucid Dreaming Foundation has received Federal approval as a 501(c ) (3) non-profit public charity (beginning April 23, 2021) with the EIN 87-1982338, assigned by the Department of the Treasury. According to their ruling, “Donors can deduct contributions they make to you under Internal Revenue Code Section 170. You’re also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under Section 2055, 2106, or 2522."
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2022 (c) Lucid Dreaming Foundation.